
This site is dedicated to facilitating any and all: legal, political or any thing thought provoking. Personal comments are welcome and encouraged. No subject or opinion is taboo. "Written laws are like spiders' webs, and will like them only entangle and hold the poor and weak, while the rich and powerful will easily break through them"- Henry Alford

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Saturday, January 21, 2006


Hello everyone. I found an invaluable resource while surfing the net today. It's called the Cyber Law Encyclopedia. I will post the link below. As the essay due date draws nearer this source could prove to be an invaluable tool.


In addition I have also provided a link to the Supreme Court of Cananda. What's particularly beneficial about this site is that it allows you to view case decisions on line. For example, you can find precedent setting cases such as R. v. Morgentaler. Also, it is a relatively easy site to navigate.



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