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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Internet and My Home

As per this week's class assignment I will be discussing the internet and its place within my home. I think that it is interesting to note that most of us refer to the internet as a real tangible thing. The internet has become so assimilated into my daily life that I would be proverbially "lost without it. Within my home I have two computers. Both are less then 2 years old (which is already old but don't get me started on that). The better computer is in my room. I also have a scanner/printer/fax attached to it. I bought the computer with my own money for the primary reason of using it for school. As such I was responsible for deciding where to place it. My family consists of myself, my little sister and my parents. Out of the four of us, it is only myself and my little sister who are able to use computers with any real degree of understanding. I guess you could say we have a monopoly on technology within the home. My computer is in my room. My sister's computer is in her room. For matters of obvious convinced we decided that this was the best arrangement. We each have separate rooms, and each have access to our computers whenever we want, anytime day or night. Also my computer is in my room because I am the only one that uses it. I am also the only one who knows how to use it (aside from my sister). My parents have not yet relented, they refuse to enter the technological era. This setup is nice as it provides me privacy. When I am in my room I shut my door (I don't have a lock), and I am alone with my PC to complete whatever task needs to be done. I love having access to my computer anytime I want. I know that when I get home my PC will be there with no one on it. Because we live in a small house, my room is small, so the PC sits on a desk which takes up a fair amount of room. I guess you could say this is one of the disadvantages of having it in my room (confined space). None the less I would not have it any other way. I enjoy and look forward to the privacy that having my own computer gives me. I guess this is because I tend to be a private person. I also put a password lock on my computer so no one else (my sister) can use it. I have enough room for a small comfortable chair and that's it. Ideally I would like to have a bigger room, but would never want to ever change the location of my computer. When I get home I normally go into my room, boot up and start doing whatever it is that needs to be done. I am always by myself when on the computer (although I can hear what's going on around me). I am very territorial when it comes to my PC. When my sister asks to use my computer (because mine is faster) I remind here that she has her own, and this often sends her away angry. I use Rogers cable, and love the mobility of having high speed internet. As many of my friends have suggested I could move my computer out of my room, and put it in our downstairs basement, which is an entirely open space. I hate the idea. Somehow when I'm in my little room, on my PC, surfing the web, I feel as though I'm in my own little world, and I wouldn't change it for anything.


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